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Are you a growth focused leader?


Are you ready to get uncomfortable?

At Inner Circle we say “A team progresses one uncomfortable conversation at a time.” 

This means that important conversations should be a priority no matter how uncomfortable.

Not something you put off until people become reactive and words, once said can’t be taken back.

Category leaders create team cultures that foster mutual accountability. 

Create a company of owners and the company will build itself.  

Are you a growth focused leader? Inner Circle Event with founder Matt Ritchey!The growth you crave begins at the edge of your comfort zone.

You might be surprised what a few sincere words can do for your team.

One honest idea can breathe an entirely new generation of vitality into a project or a team.

Often it’s the questions we want to ask, but are afraid to that will make the difference.

Sometimes it’s about standing up for yourself. 

Sometimes, it’s about knowing when to be quiet and listen.

TACT is a skill, just like anything else.

Next time you find yourself in passionate conversation:

1. First, thank them for their time and for listening.
2. Then, point them to the North Star common goal you’re ALL aiming toward.
3. Then share your idea.
4. Be sure to remain open for honest feedback.  

The words you bottle up are the bridge to the career and leverage you actually want.

STOP going home and “venting” to your family. If you don’t like something at work then put that wasted energy toward changing it.  Your family will thank you.

Learn how to channel your passion and conviction with tact, poise and respect.

We help Inner Circle members navigate scenarios like this on a daily basis.  

Through the good, the bad and the ugly.

Unsubscribe from work cultures that do not regularly participate in open idea sharing.

Do not give up on your current team until you’ve tried what I just outlined above.

If you aren’t taken seriously on your current project, why?

It all starts by taking a look in in the mirror and deciding WHY the next five years will be different than the last five. 

Is Inner Circle Right For You?

Inner Circle members get personal access to the collective network of the people we rely on and do business with daily. At Inner Circle, our network is your network.


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