4 Years In” (Key Takeaways) Why I Joined Inner Circle - Part 2 - Kyle Dammann's Story
In Part 1, we discussed why we created Inner Circle and how various plant medicines show significant/obvious potential to address several forms of addiction (and the preventable diseases those addictions cause.)
Our industry already has plenty of customers.
What we need are leaders willing to bring good ideas to their communities. When we do that, the rest happens somewhat automatically and by demand.
Are you a leader?
What being an avid student of history has taught me :
At all times and in all economies, it’s the people who take a stand and lead with courage (and intelligence) that win in the long run and (typically) stand in the right “place” as our industry fully comes online.
These are the very early days of this new form of therapy, treatment, and medicine.
Because of Inner Circle, Matt and I sit at tables where deals are made, and money is moved, specifically because we have a demonstrated track record of being careful and committed.
Are you ready to make a career or business move?
To grow this industry, we need your help, skills, and services.
The people (consumers) have already spoken, and the demand is already there, but “Wild West” policies must be tamed (and sculpted) at the federal, state, and local levels.
This industry is ours to steward responsibly, and nobody is going to do it for us.
We (and our 80+ members) have already largely “cut the trail.”
Now, we need to “level and pave the road” so more can benefit from the last two decades of compassionate and courageous science from places like Maps & Johns Hopkins.
We can/must create a better medical and care system for our children than we inherited.
– Blame gets us nowhere, and speculation is for losers.
– We work with builders, leaders, and community advocates.
– The tools and technology are already available.
Want to see the heart of a community?
Go look and see what the mothers of young children are doing.
Out of everyone I’ve met in the industry in the last few years, the mothers are the most courageous and clear.
They make a stand, and they bring carefully selected plant medicines to their communities with courage and kindness.
I think it’s because they know our future is at stake, and our current system isn’t providing answers fast enough.
Big money does what big money does.
It looks for the most stable and consistent place to invest and secure a return—in the old days, that was traditional drugs and surgery (which have their place) but are also clearly demonstrating where they cannot help.
Look at who is lying sick, poor, and tired in the street.
Listen to their stories, and you will know where our social safety net failed them.
The funding is largely available, too.
More money is moving in our industry than ever before, but not exactly where you think.
We like to say, “The conversation is different at the leader’s table,” and when a good team is backed by a good plan, the money usually isn’t too far away.
We are BUILDING while your friends are still talking.
The vision (for our industry) is very clear to the leaders and members at Inner Circle.
We meet every week to make progress, build stronger companies, and forge meaningful connections.
What will your role be?
KEY TAKEAWAY A “4 Years In”: #LegalizeNature
You can’t keep a whole, healthy, and healed human from thriving.
In my 20 years of leadership and team building of this, I am certain.
It’s our natural state.
Where did we go wrong?
You can read the full story and our Genesis statement here.
SUMMARY OF A TRAGEDY : The degree of today’s opioid epidemic is proportionate to the amount of suppression and misinformation that our governments deployed in those early days when the FDA had lots of pressure (and very little data) to make the broad-sweeping decisions they made. See our mission and the Genesis story to learn the history and tragedy of mis-scheduling natural medicines.
Policy that has affected (and many would say handicapped) hundreds of millions of people around the world. *Global policy has a history of following US policy.
Effectively removing access to compounds our ancestors always had access to.
This, combined with the mechanization and “chemicalization” of our food system, has left humans feeling spiritually disconnected, ill-equipped, and alienated from their environment, meaning, purpose, and community.
Modern science and chemistry have their place in food and medicine, but nature (and her rigorously tested genetic library) has proven to be a really good “database” for knowing what works safely, reliably, and affordably with the human body and, thus, society as a whole.
No need to reinvent the wheel. Just get out of its way and let nature do the heavy lifting.
The people already know what works.
– Indigenous know.
– Natural practitioners know.
– Ask those in touch with the people and with their hands on the medicine.
Plant medicines are powerful because they often do nothing less than re-ignite the spirit of life back into our hearts and reconnect us with a felt sense of purpose *That’s hard for science hardliners and lawmakers to put into a white pill.
On the meta, I think this scares policymakers, but on the societal specifics (and quality of outcome), it actually looks like this : Addiction cessation, tumor remission, evaporation of depression, desire to live, increased energy, ability to work again, decreased pain/inflammation and relief from many of today’s most challenging physical, social, and cultural maladies.
Please read that again, copy/paste, and share with your friends who are unsure.
KEY TAKEAWAY B: A heartfelt message to the leaders at the FDA…
Blame gets us nowhere, but accountability is key.
The game is up, the science is conclusive, and we can prevent future generations from the depravity and criminality created by unjust and racially motivated anti-scientific “sins” of our forefathers. Nixon/Anslinger 1972
We Must Do Better (Here’s How)
Let community advocates and good science lead the way and get out of the way,
ULTIMATELY : I decided to join Inner Circle because I realized the world needed better medicine and science, not just another medical clinic offering the same outdated reactive bureaucratic service menu.
I’ve worked in big medical (marketing & technology) for years, and it is a bloated empire about collapsing under its own weight. I’ve seen it on the inside, and it’s not pretty.
More money goes to lawyers and executives who recommend hiring more lawyers and executives, which increases the cost of care for all.
My conclusion after four-plus years in plant medicine, working with communities and pioneers?
A compassionately simpler version of healthcare is wanting to be borne, and it starts with access to real food and medicine at home.
No PPO/HMO/EPO/HDHP-supported HIPAA-approved double-blind placebo conversational billing mystery circle jerks are necessary.
We already know what produces health, healing, and vitality.
To policymakers, the federal government, and front-line medical workers: The children we fail to nourish, heal, and protect today become the people tearing down society (and your personal property) tomorrow.
Now, seeing it from this angle, is it any wonder why the people who feel most disconnected from society are the ones who attempt to tear it down?
To break a cycle, we must first identify it.
Is your legacy calling?
Are you tired of corporate money-chasing and traumatized “greed is good” leaders who expect you to serve at the altar of power and money?
We are hiring and training more people than ever.
The Apply button will fill you in on the rest of the story.
The TRUE wealth of a nation is not in its currency but rather in the heart, health, and spirit of its people. The strength of a currency depends on this.
Please join us at our next event or apply to join the network.
Is Inner Circle Right For You?
Kyle Dammann
Kyle Dammann is an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, team builder, and automation expert.
After a family member fell into a life-threatening addiction and his own experiences with plant medicine, he decided to dedicate his time and skills to legitimizing and accelerating the birth of the plant medicine industry.
Kyle believes that access to nature’s pharmacy is a fundamental human right and that all adults should have reliable access to these proven and safe compounds.