Join us on the next session of Inner Circle…

03 Days
16 Hours
31 Minutes
55 Seconds

Join us on the next session of Inner Circle…

  • 03Days
  • 16Hours
  • 31Minutes
  • 55Seconds

Bel Air Sessions: Plant Medicine Pioneers of Los Angeles California

As I looked around the well-appointed Bel Air, California pad I was tempted to feel intimidated. 

Plant medicine pioneers from various disciplines and segments of our booming industry were present and ready to discuss business growth and profitability.

As one of the epicenters of the plant-medicine revolution, these brave men and women of Los Angeles have faced everything from career suicide to criminal conviction just to stand where they are today. And their job is far from over.

During our Bel Air session, we covered topics like accepting payments, growth planning, team training, and of course, networking. A big shout out to Judd Weiss for opening up his home for our growing community to connect and support one another. 

Who's In Your Inner Circle?

For anyone who has participated in a plant-medicine ceremony, one of the first things you learn about is the importance of “set and setting,” or the container in which the session should take place.

We may not necessarily think about this concept when it comes to growing our businesses, but your professional container is no less important. The people you bring onto your team and the discourse you choose to engage in directly impact the growth of your business. Whether that growth is positive or negative is up to you. 

Matt Ritchey, CEO, and founder of Inner Circle has a rich network of industry contacts and resources that make such events and containers possible.

Do you have experienced, passionate leaders and pioneers to bounce your ideas off of?

After co-hosting several of these sessions, I’ve quickly realized that most of the problems we are faced with in our businesses have already been solved by someone else. Probably someone you are only one or two degrees of separation from.

Are you pursuing worthwhile metrics or dead ends and distractions?

One of the reasons we created Inner Circle Mastermind was that we kept hearing over and over that entrepreneurs in our industry didn’t know who to trust and who to do business with.  

This “lack of accountability” in our emerging industry was troubling and threatened the roll-out of nature’s incredible therapeutic pharmacy.  Of course, we’ve also had similar experiences growing our businesses in the space.

That’s why Inner Circle was created.

One last note about the people that were present in that room. 


This article is a call to action. A call to get out from behind your computer and to show up for your mission and your community.  

You can travel and join us in LA if you like, or maybe you can start a group in your own community.

Whatever you do, make it a point to connect regularly with action-takers, problem-solvers, and pioneers.

In 12 months from now, the time will have passed you by either way. The question is, where will you be?

Primarily, it’s the people that you surround yourself with that will make the difference.

Inner Circle Members enjoy access to our curated events calendar, where we meet with high-level players regularly (in person and online) to discuss goals, planning, and strategies.

Inner Circle Members also receive access to our vetted member directory of executives and specialists who know the plant medicine industry and the challenges we collectively face.

Is Inner Circle Right For You?

Inner Circle members get personal access to the collective network of the people we rely on and do business with daily. At Inner Circle, our network is your network.
Picture of Kyle Dammann

Kyle Dammann

Kyle Dammann is an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, team builder, and automation expert. After a family member fell into a life-threatening addiction to prescription medication and his own experiences with plant medicine, he decided to dedicate his time and skills to legitimizing and accelerating the birth of the plant medicine industry. Kyle believes that access to nature’s pharmacy is a fundamental human right and that all adults should have safe, reliable access to these proven and safe compounds.

More To Explore

Bel Air Sessions: Plant Medicine Pioneers of Los Angeles California

As I looked around the well-appointed Bel Air, California pad I was tempted to feel intimidated. 

Plant medicine pioneers from various disciplines and segments of our booming industry were present and ready to discuss business growth and profitability.

As one of the epicenters of the plant-medicine revolution, these brave men and women of Los Angeles have faced everything from career suicide to criminal conviction just to stand where they are today. And their job is far from over.

During our Bel Air session, we covered topics like accepting payments, growth planning, team training, and of course, networking. A big shout out to Judd Weiss for opening up his home for our growing community to connect and support one another. 

Who's In Your Inner Circle?

For anyone who has participated in a plant-medicine ceremony, one of the first things you learn about is the importance of “set and setting,” or the container in which the session should take place.

We may not necessarily think about this concept when it comes to growing our businesses, but your professional container is no less important. The people you bring onto your team and the discourse you choose to engage in directly impact the growth of your business. Whether that growth is positive or negative is up to you. 

Matt Ritchey, CEO, and founder of Inner Circle has a rich network of industry contacts and resources that make such events and containers possible.

Do you have experienced, passionate leaders and pioneers to bounce your ideas off of?

After co-hosting several of these sessions, I’ve quickly realized that most of the problems we are faced with in our businesses have already been solved by someone else. Probably someone you are only one or two degrees of separation from.

Are you pursuing worthwhile metrics or dead ends and distractions?

One of the reasons we created Inner Circle Mastermind was that we kept hearing over and over that entrepreneurs in our industry didn’t know who to trust and who to do business with.  

This “lack of accountability” in our emerging industry was troubling and threatened the roll-out of nature’s incredible therapeutic pharmacy.  Of course, we’ve also had similar experiences growing our businesses in the space.

That’s why Inner Circle was created.

One last note about the people that were present in that room. 


This article is a call to action. A call to get out from behind your computer and to show up for your mission and your community.  

You can travel and join us in LA if you like, or maybe you can start a group in your own community.

Whatever you do, make it a point to connect regularly with action-takers, problem-solvers, and pioneers.

In 12 months from now, the time will have passed you by either way. The question is, where will you be?

Primarily, it’s the people that you surround yourself with that will make the difference.

Inner Circle Members enjoy access to our curated events calendar, where we meet with high-level players regularly (in person and online) to discuss goals, planning, and strategies.

Inner Circle Members also receive access to our vetted member directory of executives and specialists who know the plant medicine industry and the challenges we collectively face.

Is Inner Circle Right For You?

Inner Circle members get personal access to the collective network of the people we rely on and do business with daily. At Inner Circle, our network is your network.
Picture of Kyle Dammann

Kyle Dammann

Kyle Dammann is an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, team builder, and automation expert. After a family member fell into a life-threatening addiction to prescription medication and his own experiences with plant medicine, he decided to dedicate his time and skills to legitimizing and accelerating the birth of the plant medicine industry. Kyle believes that access to nature’s pharmacy is a fundamental human right and that all adults should have safe, reliable access to these proven and safe compounds.

More To Explore