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I Was Wrong About Artificial Intelligence: Implementing Practical & Profitable Automation In Today’s World

What path will you take in the AI Revolution? Will we use it to liberate and enhance humanity, or enslave another generation of people and machines? We are facing another "cotton gin" moment. Let's make sure we don't repeat the mistakes of history.

I recently wrote a series of articles about the rise of artificial intelligence in small businesses.  I was (and still am) cautious and you should be too. But, I was wrong about the speed of implementation of this technology. The truth is the industry is advancing faster than I expected, but snake oil abounds in the current landscape. 

It’s a classic gold rush scenario. The miners/pioneers rarely make the most money.

Do you know who does?

Those selling proverbial picks and shovels. 

In this article, I share the same advice that I give to our members: 

Every digital marketing guru, huckster affiliate, and second cousin seems to be promoting the latest and greatest “artificial intelligence” fad to well-meaning hard-working small business owners and their wallet is the victim. 

Most of what is being offered presently is just warmed over, repackaged sales funnel courses with a few new buzzwords and some version of Chat GPT sprinkled on top. 

Most people deploying Chat GPT (or equivalent) have no idea how they work, where they source data, and what their legal liability is for the data and info they generate.

YES. The current language models have their uses, but if you read our other articles on the subject then you already know why most of these tools are presently a waste of time and an outright liability to most businesses.

This article will show you where you should be spending your money and what constitutes a distraction. 

“Technology always wins.”

That’s something digital marketing influencer Gary Vaynerchuck likes to say from the stage. I don’t think he’s wrong, but technology is like money. It can only amplify what (and who) you and your team already are. Good and bad. 

As someone who has helped companies produce $100M+ in results (and even nore in tech and staff savings) by deploying practical “systems automation and sales/message amplification” solutions for the last twenty years, here is what you need to know about artificial intelligence and automation tools in general.

3 Key Things To Consider Before Investing In AI

  1. So-called artificial intelligence is advancing faster than we anticipated.

    Yes, there are a few plug-and-play tools like voice-to-text that are getting exponentially better, but in general, there is no computational leverage to be had without first having your own customer data sorted in a way where the bots can make ready use of said data.

    In other words, all good machine-driven tools require quality input of data.  If your lead gen system is not already generating high-quality segmented data and you lack high-quality custom-written brand and product content, AI cannot help you very much. If you truly want to leverage the AI revolution, get your CRM sorted and engage in a round of high-quality brand-driven customer-driven content creation and storytelling. This foundation of custom (expertly written content) will feed your Chatbot and other AI-driven tools in time.

  2. Measurable Performance Should Drive All Marketing Decisions & Marketing Spend

    There seems to be lots of appeal these days around “AI writing my content for me.” This is a fool’s trap largely and here’s why. On whose authority is the content written? Just because it “sounds good” to your ear doesn’t mean it will turn an audience into buying customers. Not only that but who owns the intellectual property it creates? Do you have license to use it for commercial purposes? Or are you headed for a lawsuit like all other slap-happy, punch-drunk “innovators” who are gambling with your finite marketing dollars?

    Don’t get me wrong, you need an “experimentation bucket” or budget, but it should account for no more than 10% of your overall marketing budget.

    Authoritative content is what drives purchases on the internet in general.  Don’t confuse something that “sounds good” with something that is good. People trust your brand because of your brand’s expertise. Are you prepared to outsource your reputation to a robot that crawls the web and steals other content to give you good-sounding answers to your prompts?

  3. Always Test Against Your Best Ideas (including this one)

    “May the best idea win,” is the primary decision-making vector for today’s data-driven organizations. Remain cautious, respect intellectual property, and seek to serve your customers with the best information about your industry you can provide.  From there, they will make their decisions accordingly.

    If you are properly positioned (and priced) in your niche enough people will self-identify, self-qualify, and ask you to do business or buy without much fuss. If your content isn’t doing that presently, we should talk.

What side of history will you be on?

We created Inner Circle to share resources and best practices among cutting-edge leaders who want to ensure they and their children get to participate in a conscious, thoughtful and truly prosperous economy.  


“If there is a loser in your economic equation, are you actually winning? ” ~Kyle Dammann

Is Inner Circle Right For You?

Inner Circle members get personal access to the collective network of the people we rely on and do business with daily. At Inner Circle, our network is your network.
Picture of Kyle Dammann

Kyle Dammann

Kyle Dammann is an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, team builder, and automation expert. After a family member fell into a life-threatening addiction to prescription medication and his own experiences with plant medicine, he decided to dedicate his time and skills to legitimizing and accelerating the birth of the plant medicine industry. Kyle believes that access to nature’s pharmacy is a fundamental human right and that all adults should have safe, reliable access to these proven and safe compounds.

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I Was Wrong About Artificial Intelligence: Implementing Practical & Profitable Automation In Today’s World

What path will you take in the AI Revolution? Will we use it to liberate and enhance humanity, or enslave another generation of people and machines? We are facing another "cotton gin" moment. Let's make sure we don't repeat the mistakes of history.

I recently wrote a series of articles about the rise of artificial intelligence in small businesses.  I was (and still am) cautious and you should be too. But, I was wrong about the speed of implementation of this technology. The truth is the industry is advancing faster than I expected, but snake oil abounds in the current landscape. 

It’s a classic gold rush scenario. The miners/pioneers rarely make the most money.

Do you know who does?

Those selling proverbial picks and shovels. 

In this article, I share the same advice that I give to our members: 

Every digital marketing guru, huckster affiliate, and second cousin seems to be promoting the latest and greatest “artificial intelligence” fad to well-meaning hard-working small business owners and their wallet is the victim. 

Most of what is being offered presently is just warmed over, repackaged sales funnel courses with a few new buzzwords and some version of Chat GPT sprinkled on top. 

Most people deploying Chat GPT (or equivalent) have no idea how they work, where they source data, and what their legal liability is for the data and info they generate.

YES. The current language models have their uses, but if you read our other articles on the subject then you already know why most of these tools are presently a waste of time and an outright liability to most businesses.

This article will show you where you should be spending your money and what constitutes a distraction. 

“Technology always wins.”

That’s something digital marketing influencer Gary Vaynerchuck likes to say from the stage. I don’t think he’s wrong, but technology is like money. It can only amplify what (and who) you and your team already are. Good and bad. 

As someone who has helped companies produce $100M+ in results (and even nore in tech and staff savings) by deploying practical “systems automation and sales/message amplification” solutions for the last twenty years, here is what you need to know about artificial intelligence and automation tools in general.

3 Key Things To Consider Before Investing In AI

  1. So-called artificial intelligence is advancing faster than we anticipated.

    Yes, there are a few plug-and-play tools like voice-to-text that are getting exponentially better, but in general, there is no computational leverage to be had without first having your own customer data sorted in a way where the bots can make ready use of said data.

    In other words, all good machine-driven tools require quality input of data.  If your lead gen system is not already generating high-quality segmented data and you lack high-quality custom-written brand and product content, AI cannot help you very much. If you truly want to leverage the AI revolution, get your CRM sorted and engage in a round of high-quality brand-driven customer-driven content creation and storytelling. This foundation of custom (expertly written content) will feed your Chatbot and other AI-driven tools in time.

  2. Measurable Performance Should Drive All Marketing Decisions & Marketing Spend

    There seems to be lots of appeal these days around “AI writing my content for me.” This is a fool’s trap largely and here’s why. On whose authority is the content written? Just because it “sounds good” to your ear doesn’t mean it will turn an audience into buying customers. Not only that but who owns the intellectual property it creates? Do you have license to use it for commercial purposes? Or are you headed for a lawsuit like all other slap-happy, punch-drunk “innovators” who are gambling with your finite marketing dollars?

    Don’t get me wrong, you need an “experimentation bucket” or budget, but it should account for no more than 10% of your overall marketing budget.

    Authoritative content is what drives purchases on the internet in general.  Don’t confuse something that “sounds good” with something that is good. People trust your brand because of your brand’s expertise. Are you prepared to outsource your reputation to a robot that crawls the web and steals other content to give you good-sounding answers to your prompts?

  3. Always Test Against Your Best Ideas (including this one)

    “May the best idea win,” is the primary decision-making vector for today’s data-driven organizations. Remain cautious, respect intellectual property, and seek to serve your customers with the best information about your industry you can provide.  From there, they will make their decisions accordingly.

    If you are properly positioned (and priced) in your niche enough people will self-identify, self-qualify, and ask you to do business or buy without much fuss. If your content isn’t doing that presently, we should talk.

What side of history will you be on?

We created Inner Circle to share resources and best practices among cutting-edge leaders who want to ensure they and their children get to participate in a conscious, thoughtful and truly prosperous economy.  


“If there is a loser in your economic equation, are you actually winning? ” ~Kyle Dammann

Is Inner Circle Right For You?

Inner Circle members get personal access to the collective network of the people we rely on and do business with daily. At Inner Circle, our network is your network.
Picture of Kyle Dammann

Kyle Dammann

Kyle Dammann is an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, team builder, and automation expert. After a family member fell into a life-threatening addiction to prescription medication and his own experiences with plant medicine, he decided to dedicate his time and skills to legitimizing and accelerating the birth of the plant medicine industry. Kyle believes that access to nature’s pharmacy is a fundamental human right and that all adults should have safe, reliable access to these proven and safe compounds.

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